March 23, 2009

So, cutting my hair short was probably the best idea I've ever had! lol :)
It's so convenient, plus I've gotten so many compliments for it!

Anyways, I'm back from soccer practise now, and it was so boring. I suck at it, so... Whatever really.

So, right now, I'm bored. That's why I decided to write something exiting here. But it's seriously nothing exiting to write about... Oh! Now I got it! We have like this project at school, where we're groups of five, and we're suppose to make a newspaper. It's kinda fun ! I'm the Editor-in-Chief, The boss. haha :D It rocks though, cause I get to decide what the others are suppose to do.. Lol :D

I just got an epiphany on my way home from soccer today. I realised how far I've come since 6th grade, I was so unpopular and had like one friend. But only because that friend decided to totally backstabb me, I got other friends. I'm like the luckiest person alive. I've got 7 bestfriends that I absolutely love + 2 online. So, yeah, I'm awesome.. lol, jk :D

Nighty <3

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